Saturday, November 11, 2006

Presentation Day!


Download the New Power Point Slides HERE!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Explanation about Team Name changes [Email Cik Y]

Agreed.... these emblems/logos are so nice (dan glemmooorrr.......) But,
what Cik's trying to potray is the differentiation in characteristic of an
animal/reptile...... Its exoticness, distinctiveness, killer instinct,
brutalll.. et all....
When you depict all team name as snake, it is so monotonous and no
differentiation in characteristic except for its exotic names... Yes,
they're so vernomous.... and a agh ek....... all are vernomous.... see
where i am heading to..... everything the same...
Komodo reptile is so lethal when it bites.... the bacterias contain in its
saliva kill prey in no time.... Cik thought of putting Komodo Bites... but
'Bite' is so lame... So Cik put as Stampede coz of its size... so an so
Eagle (might it be Hawk, Vulture or any of the bird kingdom)... they're
swift and deadly with claws & beaks....
I hv chosen only three snake types... (Boa, Cobra and Viper).... actually
there only two (2) distinctive features... constricting (membelit, beiltan)
(Boa, Ananconda, Pyhton and the like)... Others fall into the category of
its vernomous bite... Sepatutnya pilih antara Cobra & Viper.... but i like
both names
( so is Mamba.... sound so cool.....)..
In stalking prey, unlik cheetah.. who uses speed.... stealth
(senyap..perlahan2, tak berbunyi) is a major tactic... jadi 'iguana'
stealth.... sebab 'iguana' nama dan rupa yg buruk also sound cool dan
brutal..... duduk diam2.... pastu keluar lidah..... preys dont know what
hit them...
Scoprion stinger.... x yah ler nak xplain.... also fall under the same
category as.... tarantula stinger ker... wasp (tebuan tanah) stinger
ker.... sama ler tu....
Lastly, this one Cik has a llittle bit problem..... shark razors.... i
think i prefer pirahna razors..... ini ikan memang brutal..... tapi
shark... is bcoz of its brute size... tapi pirahna... bruuuuutaallllll...
OK... I hope you got my drift....
Fuad.... discuss with your contemp ... and make decision (in consultation
with Dada [Project Director])... As you are the Creative & Art Director of
this Family Day... pape get my comments..... k?
Cik Y

p/s others ..... what say you.... 4ward comments to Fuad

Friday, November 03, 2006

New Slides.

New slides can be downloaded here!

New Team Names & Logo









Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tshirt Design

this is the tshirt designs. :P c&c welcomed

Name List

This is the group name list for the event.

download HERE!

Team Logos

some of these logo contains pictures from the internet :) i gather them all up and mix and match. well most of these logo contains stuff from the internet. :P